Smith System Studio: 3d Printable Barrier Screen Stands
Beginning today, anyone can download our free design file to create a basic 3D plastic stand for making classroom screens.

How to Hatch the Perfect Classroom Chair
With so much at stake, where does designing a new classroom chair begin? How does a team effectively blend the ergonomics, aesthetics, engineering and economics of today – not to mention, academics! – with tomorrow’s influences?

5 Activity Tables To Enhance Your Learning Environment
In any classroom, learning scenarios and circumstances constantly change, so versatility in furnishings is key. One of the most versatile furnishings is the activity table, which come in a variety of different shapes, sizes and heights.

Maker’s Mark – How “Making” Is Influencing STEM Education
To understand the global impact of The Maker Movement, look no further than The Home Depot. In August, the world’s largest home improvement retailer launched a pilot program with MakerBot to sell its 3D printers and scanners at 12 stores in California, Illinois and New York.

Cascade® Classroom Storage Video
A customizable system for organizing, storing, distributing and even presenting materials to students.

A New Concept In Student Seating: Seating That Moves.
Smith System launches revolutionary seating concept to enhance movement in classrooms.

New Additions to Cascade® Storage Line
Cascade® Lectern, Mega-Cabinet Tote and Presentation Cart have been added to the Cascade® Storage line.

Smith System Meets New Emissions Requirements
Our entire product portfolio meets new formaldehyde emissions standard.

Smith System is Now CARB Phase 2 Compliant
Smith System furniture now meets the new California Air Resources Board regulations.

Cascade® Configurator Simplifies Customizing Cascade® Storage
Cascade® Configurator Simplifies Customizing Cascade® Storage