New Additions to Cascade® Storage Line
May 31, 2012
Cascade® Lectern, Mega-Cabinet Tote and Presentation Cart have been added to the Cascade® Storage line.

Smith System Meets New Emissions Requirements
March 2, 2012
Our entire product portfolio meets new formaldehyde emissions standard.

Should Schools Offer Tinkering 101?
May 19, 2011
Peg Sullivan explores the idea of classrooms designed for “tinkering.”

Smith System is Now CARB Phase 2 Compliant
March 14, 2011
Smith System furniture now meets the new California Air Resources Board regulations.

Employee Spotlight – Dave Smith
March 14, 2011
Dave Smith has joined the Smith System sales team as Regional Sales Manager for California and Nevada.

Q&A on Specifying Library Furniture
March 10, 2011
When specifying library furniture, what should be determined first?

21st Century Classroom Round Table Discussion with Smith System Experts
November 3, 2010
21st Century Classroom represents a shift in the way in which students and teachers interact.

Cascade® Configurator Simplifies Customizing Cascade® Storage
November 3, 2010
Cascade® Configurator Simplifies Customizing Cascade® Storage

“21st Century Libraries” Q&A
November 3, 2010
How are the furniture needs of 21st Century K-12 classrooms and libraries similar?