Category: Education Trend

How to Choose Early Childhood Furniture for PreK Classrooms

As research proves the benefits of early childhood education, there’s a push for more states to require PreK programs. Educators can prepare now by learning how to create engaging environments for little learners. It begins with choosing high-quality early childhood classroom furniture. Little Kids are Primed for Big Learning Let’s begin with an intriguing thought: Read More

How to Buy School Furniture: 7 Things to Remember, Not Regret

Buying new school furniture to create modern, collaborative learning spaces is more than a monetary purchase. It’s an investment in students, teachers, and staff. Here’s how to make furniture selections that benefit everyone involved. Read More

How School Classroom Furniture Can Improve Student Learning

You may not realize it, but school classroom furniture has a huge impact on how well the children in the room learn. Here’s everything you need to know Read More

Perspiring about Expiring Relief Funds? We Have Quick Solutions

K-12 school districts breathed a sigh of relief last year when Congress allocated $122 billion to alleviate COVID’s effect on education. Yet the majority of funds remain unspent. Now, schools are under pressure to expedite purchases before the 2024 deadline. Smith System can help. Read More

Stress Less: Create a School Calm Room Students Want to Visit

We all need to blow off steam. But for K–12 students with already low resiliency, it can feel scary, like an open fire hydrant. School Calm Rooms help students slow the flow. Read More

Behind the Design: Numbers™ Chair and Desk Suite

Smith System’s new Numbers Chair and Numbers Desk are the company’s first product line designed to meet K¬–12 classroom furniture requirements of three major global markets – The Americas, Asia-Pacific and EMA (Europe, the Middle East and Africa). Read More

The Right Formula: Smith System Launches Numbers™ Chair and Numbers™ Desk

Smith System’s new Numbers Chair and Numbers Desk are the company’s first product line designed to meet K¬–12 classroom furniture requirements of three major global markets – The Americas, Asia-Pacific and EMA (Europe, the Middle East and Africa). Read More

Classroom Makeover Creates Brilliant Gifted & Talented Space

You know a learning environment is not just good, but great – like, really great – when the bell rings and students say, ‘Is class over already?’ That’s happening a lot lately in the newly made-over gifted and talented classroom of Bethanne Strippoli. Read More

Love It or Leave It? The Case for Keeping Teacher Desks

They’re more relevant than ever, with features that support flexible classrooms and meet teachers’ practical needs. This blog explains why many educators still want their own personal classroom desk.
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Social-Emotional Learning

Sanctuary in the Storm: How Classroom Design Can Promote Social-Emotional Learning

The pandemic robbed K–12 students of so much. Learning was lost, and for some, it was profound. But many experts believe the root cause is the ongoing fragile emotional and mental health of kids and teens.
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The Post-Pandemic Classroom: Will Technology Still Drive Design?

As we move past the pandemic, will tech’s influence on K­–12 classroom design remain the same, or has the pandemic been a game-changer for tech?
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How to Get Students Back on Track Using High-Impact Tutoring Spaces

Individual or small-group high-dose tutoring is proving to be the most powerful strategy to address pandemic learning losses, quickly and equitably. Read More

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