Classroom Makeover Creates Brilliant Gifted & Talented Space

You know a learning environment is not just good, but great – like, really great – when the bell rings and students say, ‘Is class over already?’ That’s happening a lot lately in the newly made-over gifted and talented classroom of Bethanne Strippoli. Read More

Love It or Leave It? The Case for Keeping Teacher Desks

They’re more relevant than ever, with features that support flexible classrooms and meet teachers’ practical needs. This blog explains why many educators still want their own personal classroom desk.
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Social-Emotional Learning

Sanctuary in the Storm: How Classroom Design Can Promote Social-Emotional Learning

The pandemic robbed K–12 students of so much. Learning was lost, and for some, it was profound. But many experts believe the root cause is the ongoing fragile emotional and mental health of kids and teens.
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The Post-Pandemic Classroom: Will Technology Still Drive Design?

As we move past the pandemic, will tech’s influence on K­–12 classroom design remain the same, or has the pandemic been a game-changer for tech?
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Employee Spotlight–Meet The Lopez Family

Welcome to Employee Spotlight. For this edition of our Employee Spotlight series, get to know not just one all-star employee but four family members. Victor, Victor Jr, Alex, and Juan Carlos. Read More

How to Get Students Back on Track Using High-Impact Tutoring Spaces

Individual or small-group high-dose tutoring is proving to be the most powerful strategy to address pandemic learning losses, quickly and equitably. Read More

Welcome to Flowform® Outdoor, Smith System’s new upholstered furniture for outdoor learning spaces

“Humans crave connecting with the great outdoors. It’s call biophilia, and it’s why we bring nature into built environments, like schools. Read More

Employee Spotlight – Meet David De Hoyos

Welcome to Employee Spotlight. For this edition of our Employee Spotlight series, get to know David De Hoyos. Read More

Employee Spotlight – Meet Chase Youngblood

Welcome to Employee Spotlight. For this edition of our Employee Spotlight series, get to know Chase Youngblood. Read More

Case Study: Forney ISD — Herculean effort gets PreK–12 students back to in-person learning safely

Herculean effort gets PreK–12 students back to in-person learning safely. Read More

Employee Spotlight – Meet Josh Murphy

Welcome to Employee Spotlight. For this edition of our Employee Spotlight series, get to know Josh Murphy. Read More

Employee Spotlight – Meet John Bridell

Welcome to Employee Spotlight. For this edition of our Employee Spotlight series, get to know John Bridell. Read More

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